December/January News
We are still Worshipping, Connecting, Growing, Serving, Giving, & Sharing!
Sundays: 9 am Choir Rehearsal
10 am Worship
10:30 am Children’s Program
Mondays: 1 pm Sew It’s Monday
Other important dates in Advent, Christmas & Epiphany:
Sunday, December 1: Adorning of the Chrismon Tree Service at 10 am & Birthday Party for Jesus after worship
& Angel Tree Gifts are due
Tuesday, December 3: Circle #3 Christmas Gathering at 5:30 pm to go to Amberjack’s
Wednesday, December 4: Advent Study Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 8: Session Meeting at 11:15 am
Wednesday, December 11: Advent Study Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 14: Pianist Duchess Reahm at Westminster Towers at 10 am
Sunday, December 15: Special Guest Speaker at 10 am & Installation of Elders & Extra Choir Rehearsal (with lunch) & Musicality Ringers at 3 pm
Wednesday, December 18: Advent Study Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 22: Lessons & Carols at 10 am
Tuesday, December 24: Candlelight Service at 6 pm
Wednesday, December 25: Merry Christmas!
Sunday, January 5: Epiphany Sunday (Epiphany 01/06)
Tuesday, January 7: Circle #3 at 6 pm
Sunday, January 12: Baptism of the Lord with Communion at 10 am
Saturday, January 25: Annual Oyster Stew & Soup Supper Community Fundraiser
4 pm – It’s All GONE!
Adorning the Christmon Tree Service will be on December 1st at 10 am in the Sanctuary. Join us for this special worship service in which we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming Christ Child with our Chrismon and their meanings as we decorate our Chrismon Tree.
Sunday, December 1: Adorning of the Chrismon Tree Service at 10 am + Birthday Party for Jesus
Tuesday, December 3: Circle #3 gathers at 5:30 pm to go to Amberjack’s
Wednesday, December 4: Advent Bible Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 8: Second Sunday of Advent Worship at 10 am
Wednesday, December 11: Advent Bible Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 14: Pianist Duchess Raehn at 10 am at Westminster Towers (Rock Hill)
Sunday, December 15: Special Guest Visitor at 10 am & The Musicality Ringers at 3 pm
Wednesday, December 18: Advent Bible Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 22: Lessons & Carols Service at 10 am
Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6 pm
Sunday, December 1 after Worship Fellowship Hall
Gather with us in the fellowship hall for fried chicken and all the fixings, fun Christmas Crafts,...and of course, a Birthday Cake for Jesus!
The Angel Tree: A big thank-you to all of our “Angels” who sponsored a child this Christmas. Please remember to return the gifts under the fellowship hall tree no later than Sunday, December 1. We also wish to thank Elizabeth Gibson, our “Head Angel” of the Angel Tree this year!
Sunday, December 15th from 11 am to noon
The Choir will have an extra rehearsal on Sunday, December 15th immediately following worship. Lunch will be provided after practice.
Heifer International Update: FANTASTIC NEWS! Because of the generosity of this congregation and the faithful collection from the children each Sunday, we have raised $2,600 for Heifer International! On Sunday, November 24th, the children selected the following animals:
Joy to the World Gift Basket (2 sheep, 4 goats, 1 heifer, & a bundle of seeds)
Hive of Bees
2 Pigs
Water Buffalo
Flock of Chickens
Flock of Ducks!
Christmas Recital
Pianist Duchess Raehn
Saturday, December 14th at 10 am
Westminster Towers, Rock Hill
Gifted pianist Duchess Raehn will once again be performing a Christmas Recital at Westminster Towers in Rock Hill. She is an incredible musician—who not only plays by memory…but by EAR! If you have any questions, please contact Betty Love.
The Musicality Ringers Handbell Choir Christmas Performance
Sunday, December 15th at 3 pm @ BGPC
The Musicality Ringers, a community group consisting of handbell ringers from Rock Hill, Fort Mill and Indian Land area. They will be playing a variety of Christmas music from long time favorites to some less familiar songs, and a sing-a long at the end of the performance. There will be pieces performed by a smaller group with some piano accompaniment and a couple of piano duets by our pianist Laverne Vinegar and Linda Liberty.
Sunday, December 22 at 10 am Our Lessons & Carols Service will be held on Sunday, December 22 at 10 am. Please join with us for this special service of scripture and music as we bring to mind and heart the prophecies of the Old Testament and the fulfillment found in the Gospels
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with communion will be held on Tuesday, December 24th at 6:00 pm. Celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior at our traditional service of music, children, candles, and togetherness.
Epiphany Sunday Service will be Sunday, January 5 at 10 am. Join us at 10 am in the Sanctuary as we celebrate the Sunday of the Magi.
Baptism of the Lord Sunday with communion will be Sunday, January 12 at 10 am. Begin the New Year in worship!
Thanksgiving, Advent, & Christmas Missions
Presbyterian Home Resident Gifts: Thank you for everyone who donated items for the Resident Christmas Party at Presbyterian Home in Clinton, SC. The gifts were gratefully received by the staff and will be a wonderful part of their Christmas Party!
Heifer International: Thank you for donating your “coins for Heifer” each Sunday. We were able to donate $2600 worth of animals! As a part of the Advent & Christmas season, Heifer International has a matching program that might increase our gift by up to 3x!
Angel Tree gifts and money donations: A big thank-you to all of our “Angels” who sponsored a child this Christmas. Please remember to return the gifts under the fellowship hall tree no later than Sunday, December 1. We also wish to thank Elizabeth Gibson, our “Head Angel” of the Angel Tree this year!
Thanksgiving AND Christmas Meals to our Neighbors-in-Need: Thank you all for your faithful giving of your offerings throughout the year and your time in the planning, shopping, baking, and delivering the Thanksgiving meals. For Christmas, we will once again send out restaurant gift cards to the Clover School District families who are most at need…and who will be fed over the Christmas break because of your generosity!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year: Lisa will be on vacation Wednesday, December 25 – Wednesday, January 8. If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Rev. Martin Stokes or your elder shepherd.
Christmas Card Exchange Time: BGPC will once again have our Christmas Card Exchange box in the Sanctuary so that we can exchange cards to our church family (those who regularly attend activities at BGPC!) The RED Christmas Exchange box is located in the Sanctuary, so just place all your cards there. The cards will be sorted & delivered each Sunday. We do ask that you consider donating the postage per card to one of BGPC’s many mission projects and/or offerings: Angel Tree, Christmas Meals to our neighbors in need, Heifer International, Rustling Bags for CSD’s Back-the-Pack program, Thornwell Orphanage, Joy Offering, Clover Area Assistance Center, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, or just our general Mission Funds.
Oyster Stew & Soup Supper
Saturday, January 25
4 pm – It’s ALL GONE!
Please mark your calendars now for our annual Oyster Stew & Soup Supper. This mission has a long history at BGPC and requires all our help to make it successful. Ken Love, our Oyster King, will be contacting folks for volunteer spots soon. Please consider how you can contribute to this worthwhile event. All proceeds are donated to relieve hungry families in our community. If you have any questions, please contact Kenneth (803)222-3975 or [email protected].
Church Office Hours: Lisa is typically in the office on Wednesday mornings, but that schedule fluctuates depending on Bible study sessions and/ or pastoral care needs. If you would like to meet with her, please contact her directly for an appointment—either at the church, in your home, or another meeting place. You may reach her at [email protected] or (803)493-5000.
Thanksgiving Meals Delivered...and Christmas Gift Cards for Meals Planned!
BGPC is known for how much we do for others as we take seriously Jesus's call for us to serve the least of these. Because of your faithful giving, the Mission Team was able to purchase items for the Thanksgiving meals for 15 families in the Clover School District Area. Thank you to those who purchased the meals, provided the desserts, and delivered the meals.
AND...we have enough in our budget to once again provide those same families with gift cards to area restaurants for their Christmas Meals!
Thank you for your generosity so that we can indeed be a light to those who struggle during this season.
Regular Tithes & Offerings: Help us finish our year off strong so that we can continue to assist so many who are suffering financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually during this unprecedented time. There is an offering box on the table just inside the Sanctuary or you may mail them to Treasurer Kenneth Love, 1442 Love Road, Clover, SC 29710.
Special Offerings: If you’d like to make a donation toward any of our special holiday season offerings, please mark your check with where you’d like your donation to be applied:
Thornwell (November)
Joy Gift (Christmas Eve)
Church World Service Blankets
Poinsettias for Missions
Pledge Cards: If you have not yet returned your pledge cards, please return to the church or to Kenneth Love (1442 Love Road in Clover, SC 29710)
Christmas Poinsettias & Church World Service Blankets: If you would like to purchase a poinsettia (our limit is 6) for the sanctuary or provide blankets for Church World Services, you can do so by completing the bulletin insert which will be provided. You can give blankets in honor and/or memory of loved ones. Contact Johnny if you have questions. (704)460-5393 & [email protected]
Birthdays and Anniversaries
1 Haley Reid
2 Jovy Walker
9 Johnathan Love
14 Ray Petty
15 Justin Shrader
17 Raelyn Jackson, Stephanie Russell
19 John Barnett, Ruby Woods
26 John Jones
29 Judson Petty, Kaylan Petty
3 Rich and Carmen Myrick
15 Tom and Sarah Jackson
16 Wesley and Allison Love
23 Rob and Lisa Johnson
24 Pat and Diane Caldwell
29 Keith and Mayme Long
2 Jackson Adams Brown
6 Nash Myrick, Sullivan “Sully” Drummond
7 Dave Woods
10 Chandler Ammons, Peyton Myrick
12 Samantha Wilson
14 Ken Gordon
18 Susan Flanagan
19 Carter Yukob
21 Joanne McDaniel. Tully Gibson
22 Jim Wells
25 Julie Reid, Paula King
30 Keith Long
28 Steve and Phyllis Stanton
Prayer List
In order to keep our prayer list up to date, please let Susan Jackson when someone can be removed.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances."
If you would like to add yourself, a friend or family member to our prayer list, please contact Susan Jackson by phone, text, or email. If you add a person to our list, please note that it is your responsibility to notify Susan when someone can be removed from the list. Include a brief update on the person’s status if you wish.
Susan Jackson 803-810-5012
[email protected]
Church Family: Amy Adams, Sis Bentley, Janet Burgin, Jenks Caldwell, Ted Cieraszynski, Ed Cockrell, Mike Dulin, Rita Dulin, Danny Duncan, Sully Drummond, Mack Henry, Danny Jackson, Joel Jones, Betty Love, Nina
Miriello, Cheryl Parker, Cathy Smith, Steve Stanton.
Friends and Family:
Alfred Adams—friend of Sis Bentley
Jonathan Armstrong—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Shane Baker & son Bryson—friends of Andy Jackson
Robert Baldwin—First cousin of Nina Miriello
Kenneth Ballard—father of Terry Stephens
Robbie Boyd—friend of Rob Caldwell
Perry Burkholder—father of Lynn Jones
Nancy Burgin—mother of Janet Burgin
Jimmy & Judy Burton—friend of Debbie & Danny Jackson
Dale Campbell--brother of Dean Campbell
Eddie Carson—pastor of Sherry Woods
Mike Cieraszynski—brother of Ted Cieraszynski
Muriel Cocuzza—friend of Nina Miriello
Fred Counts—stepdad of Brittiany Jackson
Jo Counts—mother of Brittiany Jackson
Preston Dreyhere—relative of Mike Brown
Rosemary Epperson—sister of Nina Miriello
Ed Farris—father of Chris Farris
Beverly Frommel—daughter of Barbara Cockrell
Mary Jane Gardner—mother of Mayme Long
Sharon Gaskins—mother of David Gaskins
Jeremy Gibson—brother of Tully Gibson
Gene Gordon—son of Ken & Sarah Gordon
Joy Gordon—daughter of Ken & Sarah Gordon
Carol Gregory—cousin of Nina Miriello
Kathy Harris—friend of Debbie & Danny Jackson
Peggy Hartness—friend of Janet Burgin
Marty Ballard Hipp—friend of Janet Burgin
Betty Hodges—former musician at BGPC
Lisa Holland-Hunt—cousin of Susan Killian
Fran Lovino—sister-in-law of Nina Miriello
Christopher Lovino—nephew of Nina Miriello
Charlotte Jackson—daughter-in-law of Joanne McDaniel
Charlotte & Dick Jackson—friends of Rita Dulin
Carolyn Knox—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Murray Lassiter—nephew of Lynn Jones
Jayden—grandnephew of Keith & Mayme Long
Riley Marquis—daughter of Alec Yukob’s friend
Sidney Matowski—daughter of friend of Kenneth Love
Delores Miller—mother of Diane Caldwell
Yvonne Mixon—grandmother of Brittiany Jackson
Cathy Morton—sister of Marti Caldwell
Coast Guardsman Brody Muller—grandson of Wayne & Cheryl Parker
Ray Mullinax—brother of Sarah Gordon
Cathy Mullinax—sister-in-law of Sarah Gordon
Jeff Onley—friend of Danny & Debbie Jackson
Janice Paraham—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Dean Putnam—friend of Danny & Debbie Jackson
Mike Rogers—father of Charlotte Jackson
Ann Smith—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Allyson & Scott Spratt—friend of Susan Flanagan
Fred Taylor—friend of Mike Brown
Pat & Ed Veasy—friends of Rita & Bob Dulin
Marie Verutes—sister-in-law of Nina Miriello
Scott Pursley Wallace—friend of Susan Flanagan
Laura Warr—friend of Marti Caldwell
Beau Whiddon—great-nephew of Nina Miriello
Army Reservist Ben Wilson—son of Stephen & Lisa Wilson
Dr. Bill Wilson—son of BGPC and cousin of Ray Petty
Dale Woods—brother of Dave Woods
Hammond Wylie—friend of John Barnett
10 am Worship
10:30 am Children’s Program
Mondays: 1 pm Sew It’s Monday
Other important dates in Advent, Christmas & Epiphany:
Sunday, December 1: Adorning of the Chrismon Tree Service at 10 am & Birthday Party for Jesus after worship
& Angel Tree Gifts are due
Tuesday, December 3: Circle #3 Christmas Gathering at 5:30 pm to go to Amberjack’s
Wednesday, December 4: Advent Study Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 8: Session Meeting at 11:15 am
Wednesday, December 11: Advent Study Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 14: Pianist Duchess Reahm at Westminster Towers at 10 am
Sunday, December 15: Special Guest Speaker at 10 am & Installation of Elders & Extra Choir Rehearsal (with lunch) & Musicality Ringers at 3 pm
Wednesday, December 18: Advent Study Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 22: Lessons & Carols at 10 am
Tuesday, December 24: Candlelight Service at 6 pm
Wednesday, December 25: Merry Christmas!
Sunday, January 5: Epiphany Sunday (Epiphany 01/06)
Tuesday, January 7: Circle #3 at 6 pm
Sunday, January 12: Baptism of the Lord with Communion at 10 am
Saturday, January 25: Annual Oyster Stew & Soup Supper Community Fundraiser
4 pm – It’s All GONE!
Adorning the Christmon Tree Service will be on December 1st at 10 am in the Sanctuary. Join us for this special worship service in which we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming Christ Child with our Chrismon and their meanings as we decorate our Chrismon Tree.
Sunday, December 1: Adorning of the Chrismon Tree Service at 10 am + Birthday Party for Jesus
Tuesday, December 3: Circle #3 gathers at 5:30 pm to go to Amberjack’s
Wednesday, December 4: Advent Bible Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 8: Second Sunday of Advent Worship at 10 am
Wednesday, December 11: Advent Bible Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 14: Pianist Duchess Raehn at 10 am at Westminster Towers (Rock Hill)
Sunday, December 15: Special Guest Visitor at 10 am & The Musicality Ringers at 3 pm
Wednesday, December 18: Advent Bible Series at 10 am & 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 22: Lessons & Carols Service at 10 am
Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6 pm
Sunday, December 1 after Worship Fellowship Hall
Gather with us in the fellowship hall for fried chicken and all the fixings, fun Christmas Crafts,...and of course, a Birthday Cake for Jesus!
The Angel Tree: A big thank-you to all of our “Angels” who sponsored a child this Christmas. Please remember to return the gifts under the fellowship hall tree no later than Sunday, December 1. We also wish to thank Elizabeth Gibson, our “Head Angel” of the Angel Tree this year!
Sunday, December 15th from 11 am to noon
The Choir will have an extra rehearsal on Sunday, December 15th immediately following worship. Lunch will be provided after practice.
Heifer International Update: FANTASTIC NEWS! Because of the generosity of this congregation and the faithful collection from the children each Sunday, we have raised $2,600 for Heifer International! On Sunday, November 24th, the children selected the following animals:
Joy to the World Gift Basket (2 sheep, 4 goats, 1 heifer, & a bundle of seeds)
Hive of Bees
2 Pigs
Water Buffalo
Flock of Chickens
Flock of Ducks!
Christmas Recital
Pianist Duchess Raehn
Saturday, December 14th at 10 am
Westminster Towers, Rock Hill
Gifted pianist Duchess Raehn will once again be performing a Christmas Recital at Westminster Towers in Rock Hill. She is an incredible musician—who not only plays by memory…but by EAR! If you have any questions, please contact Betty Love.
The Musicality Ringers Handbell Choir Christmas Performance
Sunday, December 15th at 3 pm @ BGPC
The Musicality Ringers, a community group consisting of handbell ringers from Rock Hill, Fort Mill and Indian Land area. They will be playing a variety of Christmas music from long time favorites to some less familiar songs, and a sing-a long at the end of the performance. There will be pieces performed by a smaller group with some piano accompaniment and a couple of piano duets by our pianist Laverne Vinegar and Linda Liberty.
Sunday, December 22 at 10 am Our Lessons & Carols Service will be held on Sunday, December 22 at 10 am. Please join with us for this special service of scripture and music as we bring to mind and heart the prophecies of the Old Testament and the fulfillment found in the Gospels
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with communion will be held on Tuesday, December 24th at 6:00 pm. Celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior at our traditional service of music, children, candles, and togetherness.
Epiphany Sunday Service will be Sunday, January 5 at 10 am. Join us at 10 am in the Sanctuary as we celebrate the Sunday of the Magi.
Baptism of the Lord Sunday with communion will be Sunday, January 12 at 10 am. Begin the New Year in worship!
Thanksgiving, Advent, & Christmas Missions
Presbyterian Home Resident Gifts: Thank you for everyone who donated items for the Resident Christmas Party at Presbyterian Home in Clinton, SC. The gifts were gratefully received by the staff and will be a wonderful part of their Christmas Party!
Heifer International: Thank you for donating your “coins for Heifer” each Sunday. We were able to donate $2600 worth of animals! As a part of the Advent & Christmas season, Heifer International has a matching program that might increase our gift by up to 3x!
Angel Tree gifts and money donations: A big thank-you to all of our “Angels” who sponsored a child this Christmas. Please remember to return the gifts under the fellowship hall tree no later than Sunday, December 1. We also wish to thank Elizabeth Gibson, our “Head Angel” of the Angel Tree this year!
Thanksgiving AND Christmas Meals to our Neighbors-in-Need: Thank you all for your faithful giving of your offerings throughout the year and your time in the planning, shopping, baking, and delivering the Thanksgiving meals. For Christmas, we will once again send out restaurant gift cards to the Clover School District families who are most at need…and who will be fed over the Christmas break because of your generosity!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year: Lisa will be on vacation Wednesday, December 25 – Wednesday, January 8. If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Rev. Martin Stokes or your elder shepherd.
Christmas Card Exchange Time: BGPC will once again have our Christmas Card Exchange box in the Sanctuary so that we can exchange cards to our church family (those who regularly attend activities at BGPC!) The RED Christmas Exchange box is located in the Sanctuary, so just place all your cards there. The cards will be sorted & delivered each Sunday. We do ask that you consider donating the postage per card to one of BGPC’s many mission projects and/or offerings: Angel Tree, Christmas Meals to our neighbors in need, Heifer International, Rustling Bags for CSD’s Back-the-Pack program, Thornwell Orphanage, Joy Offering, Clover Area Assistance Center, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, or just our general Mission Funds.
Oyster Stew & Soup Supper
Saturday, January 25
4 pm – It’s ALL GONE!
Please mark your calendars now for our annual Oyster Stew & Soup Supper. This mission has a long history at BGPC and requires all our help to make it successful. Ken Love, our Oyster King, will be contacting folks for volunteer spots soon. Please consider how you can contribute to this worthwhile event. All proceeds are donated to relieve hungry families in our community. If you have any questions, please contact Kenneth (803)222-3975 or [email protected].
Church Office Hours: Lisa is typically in the office on Wednesday mornings, but that schedule fluctuates depending on Bible study sessions and/ or pastoral care needs. If you would like to meet with her, please contact her directly for an appointment—either at the church, in your home, or another meeting place. You may reach her at [email protected] or (803)493-5000.
Thanksgiving Meals Delivered...and Christmas Gift Cards for Meals Planned!
BGPC is known for how much we do for others as we take seriously Jesus's call for us to serve the least of these. Because of your faithful giving, the Mission Team was able to purchase items for the Thanksgiving meals for 15 families in the Clover School District Area. Thank you to those who purchased the meals, provided the desserts, and delivered the meals.
AND...we have enough in our budget to once again provide those same families with gift cards to area restaurants for their Christmas Meals!
Thank you for your generosity so that we can indeed be a light to those who struggle during this season.
Regular Tithes & Offerings: Help us finish our year off strong so that we can continue to assist so many who are suffering financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually during this unprecedented time. There is an offering box on the table just inside the Sanctuary or you may mail them to Treasurer Kenneth Love, 1442 Love Road, Clover, SC 29710.
Special Offerings: If you’d like to make a donation toward any of our special holiday season offerings, please mark your check with where you’d like your donation to be applied:
Thornwell (November)
Joy Gift (Christmas Eve)
Church World Service Blankets
Poinsettias for Missions
Pledge Cards: If you have not yet returned your pledge cards, please return to the church or to Kenneth Love (1442 Love Road in Clover, SC 29710)
Christmas Poinsettias & Church World Service Blankets: If you would like to purchase a poinsettia (our limit is 6) for the sanctuary or provide blankets for Church World Services, you can do so by completing the bulletin insert which will be provided. You can give blankets in honor and/or memory of loved ones. Contact Johnny if you have questions. (704)460-5393 & [email protected]
Birthdays and Anniversaries
1 Haley Reid
2 Jovy Walker
9 Johnathan Love
14 Ray Petty
15 Justin Shrader
17 Raelyn Jackson, Stephanie Russell
19 John Barnett, Ruby Woods
26 John Jones
29 Judson Petty, Kaylan Petty
3 Rich and Carmen Myrick
15 Tom and Sarah Jackson
16 Wesley and Allison Love
23 Rob and Lisa Johnson
24 Pat and Diane Caldwell
29 Keith and Mayme Long
2 Jackson Adams Brown
6 Nash Myrick, Sullivan “Sully” Drummond
7 Dave Woods
10 Chandler Ammons, Peyton Myrick
12 Samantha Wilson
14 Ken Gordon
18 Susan Flanagan
19 Carter Yukob
21 Joanne McDaniel. Tully Gibson
22 Jim Wells
25 Julie Reid, Paula King
30 Keith Long
28 Steve and Phyllis Stanton
Prayer List
In order to keep our prayer list up to date, please let Susan Jackson when someone can be removed.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances."
If you would like to add yourself, a friend or family member to our prayer list, please contact Susan Jackson by phone, text, or email. If you add a person to our list, please note that it is your responsibility to notify Susan when someone can be removed from the list. Include a brief update on the person’s status if you wish.
Susan Jackson 803-810-5012
[email protected]
Church Family: Amy Adams, Sis Bentley, Janet Burgin, Jenks Caldwell, Ted Cieraszynski, Ed Cockrell, Mike Dulin, Rita Dulin, Danny Duncan, Sully Drummond, Mack Henry, Danny Jackson, Joel Jones, Betty Love, Nina
Miriello, Cheryl Parker, Cathy Smith, Steve Stanton.
Friends and Family:
Alfred Adams—friend of Sis Bentley
Jonathan Armstrong—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Shane Baker & son Bryson—friends of Andy Jackson
Robert Baldwin—First cousin of Nina Miriello
Kenneth Ballard—father of Terry Stephens
Robbie Boyd—friend of Rob Caldwell
Perry Burkholder—father of Lynn Jones
Nancy Burgin—mother of Janet Burgin
Jimmy & Judy Burton—friend of Debbie & Danny Jackson
Dale Campbell--brother of Dean Campbell
Eddie Carson—pastor of Sherry Woods
Mike Cieraszynski—brother of Ted Cieraszynski
Muriel Cocuzza—friend of Nina Miriello
Fred Counts—stepdad of Brittiany Jackson
Jo Counts—mother of Brittiany Jackson
Preston Dreyhere—relative of Mike Brown
Rosemary Epperson—sister of Nina Miriello
Ed Farris—father of Chris Farris
Beverly Frommel—daughter of Barbara Cockrell
Mary Jane Gardner—mother of Mayme Long
Sharon Gaskins—mother of David Gaskins
Jeremy Gibson—brother of Tully Gibson
Gene Gordon—son of Ken & Sarah Gordon
Joy Gordon—daughter of Ken & Sarah Gordon
Carol Gregory—cousin of Nina Miriello
Kathy Harris—friend of Debbie & Danny Jackson
Peggy Hartness—friend of Janet Burgin
Marty Ballard Hipp—friend of Janet Burgin
Betty Hodges—former musician at BGPC
Lisa Holland-Hunt—cousin of Susan Killian
Fran Lovino—sister-in-law of Nina Miriello
Christopher Lovino—nephew of Nina Miriello
Charlotte Jackson—daughter-in-law of Joanne McDaniel
Charlotte & Dick Jackson—friends of Rita Dulin
Carolyn Knox—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Murray Lassiter—nephew of Lynn Jones
Jayden—grandnephew of Keith & Mayme Long
Riley Marquis—daughter of Alec Yukob’s friend
Sidney Matowski—daughter of friend of Kenneth Love
Delores Miller—mother of Diane Caldwell
Yvonne Mixon—grandmother of Brittiany Jackson
Cathy Morton—sister of Marti Caldwell
Coast Guardsman Brody Muller—grandson of Wayne & Cheryl Parker
Ray Mullinax—brother of Sarah Gordon
Cathy Mullinax—sister-in-law of Sarah Gordon
Jeff Onley—friend of Danny & Debbie Jackson
Janice Paraham—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Dean Putnam—friend of Danny & Debbie Jackson
Mike Rogers—father of Charlotte Jackson
Ann Smith—friend of Joanne McDaniel
Allyson & Scott Spratt—friend of Susan Flanagan
Fred Taylor—friend of Mike Brown
Pat & Ed Veasy—friends of Rita & Bob Dulin
Marie Verutes—sister-in-law of Nina Miriello
Scott Pursley Wallace—friend of Susan Flanagan
Laura Warr—friend of Marti Caldwell
Beau Whiddon—great-nephew of Nina Miriello
Army Reservist Ben Wilson—son of Stephen & Lisa Wilson
Dr. Bill Wilson—son of BGPC and cousin of Ray Petty
Dale Woods—brother of Dave Woods
Hammond Wylie—friend of John Barnett