Rustling Bags food collection for hungry children
Coins for Heifer International for family self-reliance
Prayer Squares
Prayer Blankets
Oyster Stew & Soup Supper –proceeds to God’s Kitchen & Clover Area Assistance Center
BGPC Car & Truck Show—proceeds goes to our Compassionate Care Fund
Homemade Ice Cream Social—proceeds go to Circle #3 mission projects
Habitat for Humanity (renovation/repair projects)
Roadside Pick-up (4x per year)
Fill the Bus: School Supplies
Community Easter Breakfast
Thanksgiving Meal prepared & delivered to our neighbors in need
Christmas Meal prepared & delivered to our neighbors in need
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Angel Tree Gifts
Presbyterian Home Resident Gifts
Camp-in-a-Van for area children (VBS)
Community Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Special Offerings
National level: Souper Bowl of Caring, Church World Service Blankets
PC(USA) level: One Great Hour of Sharing, Mother’s Day, Pentecost, Peacemaking, Thornwell, Joy Gift, Disaster Assistance, Thank You Offering
Presbytery level: Dimes for Hunger
Church level: 5th Sunday Compassionate Care